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The winds of change are coming.
I don’t know what that means but I can feel it.  The restlessness of wanting to start a new life, the “heels-in-the-sand” of not wanting to return to old work mentalities and stresses, knowing that a new adventure could be in the next few months … but it could also be a few years (hoping not).  There is comfort knowing we will have answers soon.   Best case scenario may be that Nick is laid off from his job and we’re pushed to cut strings here in Indiana/Michigan.  If he is called back to work we we’re able to bank our money a bit more but we have to wait a little longer.  Either way will have it’s stresses and challenges but if we keep our momentum moving forward towards our goals then the path will open for us!
The biggest goal that we both agree on is that we definitely want to be able to continue the life we are enjoying now and expand the adventure/exploration to so much more!   Our days of bike ride exploring, walks through downtown and sitting on park benches just to be, making love whenever and wherever we want, books read and knowledge growing, amazing meals fixed to impress and enjoy with each other, the kids or friends, planning and dreaming of our future while appreciating the rareness of what we have in each other.
Yes … I can feel the change coming.  And we will welcome it as a new friend!

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Picture of Kirsten Hoskins and Nico Rossi

Kirsten Hoskins and Nico Rossi

Hello Friend!
Originally from the Midwest, Nico is a professional fine dining chef and Kirsten is a full-time blogger/digital marketer. In 2020 we decided to reinvent ourselves in the beautiful Florida Keys and have not looked back!

Consider us your friends to bounce questions to about travel ideas, lifestyle, vacation locations, food or things to do in the Florida Keys and we'll be sure to answer through email or post.

Let's explore together!

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